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International checkers game(100 squares)


- The player whose turn it is to move proceeds by advancing one of his men diagonally forward to an adjacent vacant square. If, however, an opponent's piece occupies one of the adjacent squares, and there is a vacant square immediately behind it, that piece of the opponent's is subject to capture, and must be captured. The player does this by having his man leap over the opponent's piece and on to the vacant square and then captures the piece (or pieces) by removing it from the board.
- Men may move or capture in a forward direction only.
- The King can move or capture backwards or forwards.
- If there is a choice of captures, the player may choose that which best suits his purpose; he is not required to play the move which captures the greatest number of men. However, once he begins a capturing move he must continue until all the men available on the path chosen have been captured.
